Meeting with committee members, as said earlier was not like it should had been. No mention of extreme form of surveillance abuse. No time to listen to that. That's not a related issue. Then what is related? Human breeding factories? They would wash away all sins and crimes?
This committee's focus as per their "printed statement given to me to sign" seemed just materialistic aspect. The strange aspect was, how anyone could enforce their words and narratives on you? It should not be even with some uneducated person and they were doing that with an educated person.
I found the same thing in real court also in some other cases. With time, it became indigestible their ways of fighting. These groups, parties rather say political parties have no care and concern for individual rights. No concern, what that person thinks and protesting against. To hell with that. Until and unless, you are that stubborn that I would not be that easy for you to deal that way, come what may. But then CoVID time and they said we care too hoots even for society.
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Printed statement given to me to sign
The way I wrote. The way kalaakars designed.
At first look it seems ok. But read carefully and you will find the problems. Such things happen when someone else write for you. On that I had been told that I can add to it whatever I feel like is not correct.
But look at next page of asked documents/evidence