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Media and education technology by profession. Writing is drug. Minute observer, believe in instinct, curious, science communicator, agnostic, lil-bit adventurous, lil-bit rebel, nature lover, sometimes feel like to read and travel. Love my people and my pets and love to be surrounded by them.


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Before Violence Week Correspondence, Happenings

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

I-8 (a-j) Sign and Provide Specific Documents

Meeting with committee members, as said earlier was not like it should had been. No mention of extreme form of surveillance abuse. No time to listen to that. That's not a related issue. Then what is related? Human breeding factories? They would wash away all sins and crimes?

This committee's focus as per their "printed statement given to me to sign" seemed just materialistic aspect. The strange aspect was, how anyone could enforce their words and narratives on you? It should not be even with some uneducated person and they were doing that with an educated person.

I found the same thing in real court also in some other cases. With time, it became indigestible their ways of fighting. These groups, parties rather say political parties have no care and concern for individual rights. No concern, what that person thinks and protesting against. To hell with that. Until and unless, you are that stubborn that I would not be that easy for you to deal that way, come what may. But then CoVID time and they said we care too hoots even for society.

Back to topic

Printed statement given to me to sign

Now that's known as legal statement and legal fights?

The way I wrote. The way kalaakars designed.

At first look it seems ok. But read carefully and you will find the problems. Such things happen when someone else write for you. On that I had been told that I can add to it whatever I feel like is not correct. 

But look at next page of asked documents/evidence

What is the meaning of incidence without any relation to big boss houses abusive surveillance? Becoming hurdles in professional and personal life at every step.
Even videos related to the incidence are self explanatory, the way this incidence has been staged.

But then there was something ".......same has been written as told voluntarily by me."
Maybe experts can explain better the way of selectivity. 
By taking such undertakings can institutes save their images and credibility even after becoming party to such crimes?

Correspondence and Meeting with Committee (Violence, H#16, Type-3, 10-4-2019)

First complain was to Vice Chancellor and Registrar on 12-4-2019.

Then I talked on phone to this committee members. I got their phone numbers from University website. I had been advised to send complaints, again, to this committee. Was not that VC or registrar office responsibility to forward those complaints to that committee? Oh! I forgot, if they had anything to do with responsibility and dignity of their chairs then this violence had not happened. It had not been organized crime at least. And no such thing could happen, for such a long time within campus, without the knowledge or involvement of  VC and registrar or security of that University. Even after that, at least some authority must had visited the place of this crime. But it was such an open and blunt abuse of chairs and powers that these people did not feel, that any such step is even important.

The feel was like "विकास नाम बन्दे का काम ही विनाश है" and others were there to support those designs.

Strange kinda delay tactics

                                          After much wait same complaint to UGC and AICTE

Finally, this committee woken? 
Got an Email on 2nd July or cryptic modeling was underway even here?

Meeting Notice for 9th July, 2019

What happened in that meeting?
I had been asked to narrate the incidence. I started narrating the incidence.
Someone interrupted and I had been asked to short cut, when I started informing about meetings with VC and registrar before this incidence and arguments with Dr. Vikas Siwach and Dr. Sajjan Dahiya, few days back. 
Then chairperson asked, why you went there?
I just started informing my campus house problems, including house16, Type-3 as that had been allotted to me in 2011 and I was living there till March 2017. I kept that as protest even later up to 2018. I had been enforced to give after Psycho control of September 2018. H#30, Type-4 allotment in itself was a conspiracy. 
I had been interrupted again and again and advised not to mention residences problems. They were not part of this inquiry. 

I was surprised after listening that. And I cut in-between that and answered, these big boss houses are problems for all problems. If these surveillance abuse problems had not been there then neither this incidence had happened nor this committee had been here. Neither they listened to me, nor I felt that this committee was there for the purpose, it should had been. 

And after sometime, I had been given a printed copy of I-J series to sign. I said, I have already sent my version via email on 12-4-2019. Why this printed version in this strange series? I can write myself. For that I don't need someone else wordings or narratives. But they insisted that I must sign that and can send later on addition or deletion regarding that via email. It was strange but I signed. I had been asked some specific documents only. That was also kinda selective version. Let the person send whatever that person feels is important as a proof of her narrative or version. But it was kinda enforcement designs. 

I-8 (a-j) Sign and Provide Documents

One more strange thing happened. Someone asked me, "Do you know उपासना?"
I heard that word somewhere but did not know what was that? Maybe someone name, but who is that? And what's the correlation with this case?
And this committee member said, "बच्चा उपासना किया करो".
I was like, -- what? What's that?
Oh! You have not heard. Kind of meditation, yoga. Heard that?
And I said, yes. 
I was feeling like this is not anti violence and sexual harassments against women at workplace committee but pro. 
You can notice such words even in my correspondence to this committee.

My response to this meeting was:
Asked Documents



Another interesting aspect about this committee was that I have not been provided whole complain against me. I had been informed that I will be provided that. But I had to request for the same again and again. 
There was mention of some video recording and detailed complain against me by Dr. Sajjan Dahiya in committee report but I had not been provided that even up to that time. I got that CD after this request.

And CD was not working. 
Then I requested again to provide the same.

And this CD was talking again about dramatic part of this staged crime. Discussion about that will be in some other post along with committee report points.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Furniture Related Drama

I did complaints to University after getting allotment letter of H#30, Type-4 in Oct. 2016 to 2019  and even later regarding this house problems. Time period Oct. 2016 onwards till today and no repair!

They did repair of H#16, Type-3 in 2018, after taking a special letter from me, after psycho drama in September 2018. Dr. Sajjan Dahiya even shifted there in hurry in April 2019, in between 5.4.2019 to 9.4.2019 as till 5.4.2019 this house was vacant when I put my furniture there and some repairs were underway. 

BUT TILL TODAY no repair of H#30, Type-4 -- the house allotted to me in 2016. Now that's known as bullying, harassments, professional and personal rights violations including Human Rights Violations and killing a beautiful life. Think who needs a psycho certificate? I guess, even those psycho department people along with a long list?

Violence relation seems with my complaints especially a week before violence as wrote in earlier mail regarding repair of H#30, type-4 and arguments with Dr. Vikas Siwach and Dr. Sajjan Dahiya. 

Informed to Vice Chancellor in advance that some murder plans were there as per some FB post on social media of some journalist. I went to meet VC regarding cut of rent of H#16, Type-3 and still non repairment of the house allotted to me (H#30, Type-4). On that what was the meaning of house#16, Type-3 possession taken over from me after that psycho drama? 

Same day, arguments with Dr. Vikas Siwach (President MDUTA) and Dr. Sajjan Dahiya (Assistant Professor, Physics) in front of H#16, Type-3. He came there just when I reached to that home. Means some people here keep 24/7 hours information about me. Logic? These are mostly political people having varieties of interests and party to this circus of crime over the years. Some of them have tunnels of contacts with ignorant people of my surrounding and near and dear ones. Doing crimes against me and do have channels of influence in my surrounding in a try to entrap me at every possible level.

I had this house (H#16, Type-3) as a protest measure. How you could kick out someone by conspiracy from one house of scandal and then give another house of bigger scandal? When the concerned employee complaints that as per University rules, you need to provide me a livable home. This house has problems, somewhat like earlier home, kindly repair that. What they do? Try to kick out her even from University? -- To do another scandal or finish off for forever? In case, she did not live campus realizing some bigger foul designs, then teach her a lesson -- PHYSICAL VIOLENCE EVEN AT CAMPUS? 

Is It wrong to ask a livable and workable environment? Is not it the duty of employer to provide that as per contract and Indian constitution? साम, दाम, दण्ड, भेद -- What type of goons UGC and AICTE have employed? Do these governing bodies have some responsibilities? Then why no action against them even after having proofs publicly available?

I put furniture there after that argument to Dr. Vikas Siwach and meeting VC-- the same day or next day, as a protest.

Now check the design

Letter of special kinda ROP, rent cut dated 9-4-2019 and I got that letter on 10-4-2019, the day of violence.

Much later have been provided Dr. Sajjan Dahiya's interesting complain by security chief of MDU, again dated 9-4-2019. Mere coincidence? ROP cut letter dated 9-4-2019 in response to a complain months back and Dr. Sajjan Dahiya complain of found furniture outside home on same date. Cryptic designs?

Somehow these ROP cuts do have relation with my i10 took away from Som Samosas in 2018, in typical filmy style. Who were these people? Same, as per that drama. As said earlier, I will write that drama also along with some details. That's how these parallel cases are working even outside campus and in society even to so many other common people. And that's how I was able to correlate some cases in my surrounding including relations ups and downs, some court cases, diseases matching strangely to specific cryptic versions at different places with designed codes, operations, deaths etc. 

Come back to topic

Violence on 10-4-2019 at H#16, Type-3

A day after that I did violence complaints to University 12-4-2019

When I went to take classes after this incidence, some students informed me about some videos of the violence on some Gajender Phoghat FB. 


There were 5 short clips, not the whole incidence on Gajender Phogat FB. Means, even they were selective in nature.

Security Chief mail circulated on 16-5-2019, almost after a month.

"Found Items, outside house 16, type-3, in open."

What kinda play people were playing with these special dates?


22 May, 2019

Complaint copy of Dr. Sajjan Dahiya dated 9-4-2019, provided by MDU, Security Chief on 22nd May, 2019.

I also complained to University's Cell related to violence and sexual harassment to women at workplace. But it seemed complain to that cell itself was some kinda harassment. When I felt they did not take my complain seriously, I complained to UGC and AICTE.

30 June, 2019, Complain to UGC, AICTE 

Only after that I got a mail from this cell of University regarding a meeting (Meeting mail notice, 2nd July, 2019). Meeting and that committee report along with details of videos in next post/s.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Violence H#16, Type-3 -- Chairs! Poly-Tics! O Poly-Tics!

If this is not true then 
kindly take action against her. 
If it is true then slap yourself. 
Chairs! O Chairs! 
You must be accountable!

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Violence Day, Police Version (10.4.2019)

 Violence H#16, Type-3

Day of Violence, PGI, Police Version 10-4-2019

PGI Police version (to some extend deviated than what I said)

Whatever check this one. Then there will be Videos to cross check the facts of outside H#16, Type-3 as well as inside house, some pics and some official correspondence before and after this incidence.

What I could understand from these cases one after the other, it was kinda from Y-UP -- YO-U Delhi creation/RIO-T/S to a total hijack try. Kinda give me 16, in case of creation of COVID-19 or COVID-2?

Or maybe people who know these strange creations can tell better. Expertise people work over the years. Common people cannot even think to create such kinda shit.

My version sent to corresponding authorities, 

After a day of Violence 12-4-2019

click on the link

Campus Crime Series: Chairs! O Chairs! Poly-Tics! O Poly-Tics!

Or copy paste link 


or check post written on 30-4-2019 "Campus Crime Series: Chairs! O Chairs! Poly-Tics! O Poly-Tics!"

Some interesting people of so-called committee called my complain "crafted later on version"! 

When a traumatic and wounded person would write to so-called authorities especially when that person had swelling and more pain next day? When will feel lilbit better that can write? Or would give preference to the writing over her pain to those chairs who were either themselves party or silent observers or had ran away?

It was that strange situation where instead of coming to that faculty, that faculty went to them to complain and for help. And it was she who wrote to them. In such cases, I guess it's chairs responsibility to file official complain rather than the employee, if I am not wrong? And be a support to her rather than acting goons themselves.

Chairs work is not just to be puppets of concerned governments or parties and destroy educational institutes. But sadly, that's what these people have been doing.

Violence Day, PGI Trauma Centre Drama (10-4-2019)

Violence, H#16, Type-3 (10-4-2019)

Day of Violence, PGI Drama

It's these recent cases of 2017-2021, which gave the idea that things are not, the way they are looking like. They are not, the way, in general people know them. Or the way message has been passed on to the surrounding or to general public. 

Whatever happened on 10-4-2019 in this house is there to some extent in some videos available publicly. Visuals and wordings of people are contradictory. Committee report, totally bogus. Or say talking in cryptic language about something. 

Official chairs response? Should I repeat time and again?

After MDU violence, PGI drama was even more interesting. As last few posts were about medical documents, let's check these also:

Whatever was happening here, in trauma center was kinda compelling me to get lost from this place. There were two sides and both were trying to put their versions rather than facts. 


Then there would be interesting police version also. These people asked me what happened and got even signatures from me in that condition. Later on, when I read that, I found they had deviated many facts as has been informed by me. I was not in the condition to write at that time as I had been advised to keep head in upside position rather than looking downside, due to blood flow from nose.

After few hours, I was better and felt whatever was happening. I was getting reports even without checking or tests! Even in that condition they were trying to show me some plays.

Do cross check hype of this version, parallel case Bengal violence, Vijayvargiye and blah, blah, blah.

What was the name of that PGI police station SHO? Vijayvargiye or something like?

There is another video, I got after few requests, after many months and was provided by the women beaters, organized crime criminal/s. It has some interesting information again about whatever was happening inside Big Boss House #16, Type-3 vs. whatever was happening outside the house.

What if I had not decided to sit back in 2021 and analyzed and cross checked all these cases to compile? Even I had been in dark about so many things. 

It's better to step back sometimes rather than letting things happen or flowing with the flow, the way they were happening. It's better sometimes, to get lost from rat race zone and overview.

I feel people who are in some specific professions or chairs since long must also take some time period off from that -- to analyze, to know, what they are doing and why? It must be for people in politics, gamble, private sector zones like education, healthcare and lawyers firms etc. And what about people who have made these institutions (include in that public institutions also), total political akharas rather than what they are meant for?

Outside H#16, Type-3, Recording (Huge Security and Drama), 10.4.2019

After "who opened the door and danda (stick), err iska ilaage jaroori hai "

Check Huge Security and Drama in later part. There is something, somewhere, some special visuals also, if you can note.

 Note types of vehicles including security and police 

Two vehicles, one stops at side plot

Other comes later and then reverse back and then goes back

Somewhat same there in "Kidnapped by Police"

though vehicles were a bit different

In this case, it was Breeza Vitara? (I am unable to guess)

In kidnapped by police, it was Scorpio

Sajjan Dahiya along with some pillion came on bike
Elder and the video making guy were coming and going outside and inside house

Neighbor lady came almost at the same time

Who was also visible in inside house videos on Gajender Phogat FB

Elder who was with stick and opened the gate as far as I know

Blue Tractor with Trolley, came to collect leaves from side plot
This special feature you will find in many other cases also
Tractor colour and company name keep on changing with the design of play
(Like in Panipat accident case and recent suspension bridge drama and then 
tractor vegetation/leaves, plant garbage collection.)
 Even in a non agriculture university, tractors keep on doing blah, blah work,
 at times, even during night!) 
What our educational institutes have been converted into by this dirty politics?
Read Plant Tales: Andhere-Ujaale!

Eagle Hunter (MDU Security vehicle name)

Scorpio (MDU security vehicle)

Not so clearly visible in this video but you can still notice them

Count the security personnel and types of security

MDU Security
3-4 security personnel in police like uniform
Two security personnel in civil dress
Two lady security in blue dress
3-4 MDU security personnel in blue dress

Two PGI police personnel including SHO Kailash.... and...... (Don't know their names)
One or Two lady police personnel (from PGI?)

One special lady force in blue having red stickers on both arms (which force?)

One or two more MDU security personnel including MDU security chief?
Isn't that too much for a university? Is it some defense force fort or educational institute?
And still such crime can happen? Rather it was an organized crime.

Any resemblance with Neem Case Drama and Security? -- in case you have read that case, "Plants Tales: Andhere-Ujaale!"

Now check some other interesting point of this video. Someone also looking like giving some instructions, even to police or security and civilians?

Who was that person, some Prof.? From Harvard or MDU?

Any idea, in what capacity, he was there? Department of Maths, university or with Dr. Sajjan Dahiya? But then both seem one and same thing.

Details are much more but for a general view enough I guess?

You can recognize some faces, almost ditto in some crime series or movies also.

Such cases make or break governments -- heard somewhere, though seems undigestible.

Outside H#16, Type-3, Recording (Who opened the door?), 10.4.2019

Outside H#16, Type-3 Recording during Violence (10.4.2019)

Who opened the door? 

As per committee, I did.

As per this video?

I got this recording after two to three requests and much later as said earlier. 

Recording is interesting and talks about a staged and well organized crime itself. 

It also talks about "how to convert a script into into theatrical play".

Or "harness the power of theoretical designing for further experimentation".

For that you can apply any kinda "manipulative techniques, alternative ways, additions, deletions, hypes or suppressions -- to name just a few, to get the desired results".

This video is of 31 minute as per my knowledge. Something specific about that?

Last part cut by kalaakars for whatever reasons, I am not able to watch that now on Youtube. 

As per this video

This video timings and in last part where I was leaving this house in spot free clothes (no blood on clothes, kind of perfect dress and hair) raised some questions about this video itself. I don't belong to this technical field, so experts of this field can check better.

Better to check videos of inside house violence on Gajender Phogat FB

These videos are contradictory. So atleast someone is a liar here.

If so much blood was there on me and clothes in those videos inside the house then how that disappeared in this video, when I came outside house? Clothes, hairs in such a perfect, spotless free condition while leaving this house?

As far as I know I had to heavily oil my hairs and wash them after this incidence so that could remove hair knots. Did that also with fingers as was not able to comb hairs next few days, due to pain.


Or copy-paste given link: Video provided by Sajjan Dahiya/Committee

My car came at H#16, Type-3 on 10-4.2019

I left willingly these pics on my laptop and kalaakars altered even them
Check video in case kalaakars have not altered that.
This pic where it looks like, I have something in the right hand, which had nothing. 
In left, I had my laptop bag, as came straight from office.

For Clarity better watch video
I came with a stick?
If no then committee and this Sajan Dahiya family are one and same thing?
As this video recording guy said, "I came with a danda" and committee wrote the same.

I tried to open the mess wired gate (जाली का दरवाजा) as 

as per my knowledge no-one was there in this house. 

I had put my furniture there after informing authorities that I will do so -- 

till the time of my current house repairs.

But till today, university has not done that any repairs

Any logics?

(2016 allotment to 2022, still under possession)

In 6 years, even normal houses get 2-3 times official paints and other general repairs

And this -- a buchadkhana house, none.

But strangely gate was locked from inside. 
I tried to watch from mess wire, wondering, who could be there?

Waiting for door opening as elders have watched me from inside house 
and were coming towards door.

Door has been opened and I entered lobby.

That's why called this committee BLIND, DEAF.

Neither they had time to listen to me.

Nor watched these videos?

Else would not be able to write at least such blunders in their report.

But then all cases have such blunders including CoVID-19

Rather should say CoVID-19 is even bigger 

as hype and scale was bigger on such a small experiment

-- to know the truth of some murders.

Registrar Office, Video, After Violence, H#16, Type-3 (10.4.2019)

Violence, H#16, Type-3, Video, (Registrar Office) 10.4.2019 

Registrar: बोल दिया फर्स्ट ऐड के लिए 

Vijay Dangi: कितनी देर में हो जायेगी, एक घंटे से वेट कर रही हूँ मैं?

मुझे तो अभी सुचना मिली है 

अभी तो मैं आपके पास आके खड़ी हुयी हूँ 

सारी की सारी सिक्योरिटी आपकी वहाँ खड़ी हुयी है, जो की वेट कर रही थी की विजय दांगी मर जाए 

Some voice  in the background अशोक जी 

Vijay Dangi: ये झूठी फाइल्स जरूरी हैं या लाइफ जरूरी है?

Registrar: जो करेगा फर्स्ट ऐड वही करेगा ना, बोल दिया फर्स्ट ऐड के लिए  

(He is a registrar of a university, what to say about other employees?)

Vijay Dangi: आप बोल कैसे रहे हैं, इस कंडीशन में एक फैकल्टी से?

VC Sir, हैं यहाँ पे, या VC Sir के पास इनफार्मेशन नहीं है जो हुआ है यूनिवर्सिटी में? 

Registrar: बुलाना फर्स्ट ऐड के लिए जल्दी बुलाना 

Vijay Dangi: Sir, VC Sir, कहाँ हैं?

Registrar: Out of station हैं 

Vijay Dangi: Out of station कहाँ पे?

Registrar: शायद। ......... ?

Vijay Dangi: इन्फॉर्म किया गया है सर को यहाँ क्या हुआ है?

Registrar: फर्स्ट ऐड के लिए 

Security Person: मेडिकल से बुला लूँ या यहाँ से 

Vijay Dangi: नाक की   हड्डी टूटी है, यहाँ के मेडिकल ऑफिसर से कुछ नहीं होना 

Registrar: तो कोई सिक्योरिटी वाला है मेडिकल में ले जाओ 

Vijay Dangi: सारी की सारी सिक्योरिटी उस घर के बहार खड़ी तमाशा देख रही है 

Registrar: लेडीज़ को, एक दो लेडीज़ को बुला लेंगे 

Vijay Dangi: सारी की सारी लेडीज़ वहीं पे खड़ी हैं 16 नंबर के बहार 

मतलब, ये सारा का सारा ऑथॉरिटीज़ की knowledge में हो रहा है, की पूरी सिक्योरिटी वहाँ तमाशा देख रही थी? 

Registrar: एक बार ये मेडिकल में ले जाना है 

Someone voice: एक बार चाबी दियो गाड़ी की, हटा दे उस गाड़ी ने 

Vijay Dangi: मैं हटा दूंगी आप पहले तमीज़ से बात करें, आप वहीँ थे अभी तक एक घंटे तक 

Baljit, MDU Security: हाँ हाँ वहीँ था मैं और के 

Vijay Dangi: क्या कर रहे थे, आपकी ड्यूटी नहीं थी फर्स्ट ऐड करवाने की, की मुझे यहाँ रजिस्ट्रार तक खुद ड्राइव करके आना पड़ा?

Baljit, MDU Security: डॉक्टर बुलाया था वहाँ पे डॉक्टर को बुला रहे थे 

Vijay Dangi: क्या बुला रहे थे?  मुझे इतनी देर से ..

Baljit, MDU Security: वो डॉक्टर बोला, मैं अभी आ रहा हूँ, अभी मैं ऑपरेशन कर रहा हूँ 

Vijay Dangi: ऑपरेशन? कितनी दूर था मेडिकल वहां से?

Baljit, MDU Security: मुझे इस चीज़ का तो पता नहीं, हमने तो कंप्लेंट कर दी थी 

Security Woman, MDU: आ जाओ मम करवाके लाते हैं 

Vijay Dangi: आप वहीँ से आये हैं ना, 16 नंबर से?

Security Woman, MDU: हाँ जी मम 

Vijay Dangi: मैं कह रही थी मुझे कोई लेके जा सकता है, कोई लेके नहीं आया 

Security Woman, MDU: मैडम बोला था हमने बोला था 

Another Security Woman, MDU: हमें गाड़ी चलानी नहीं आती 

Vijay Dangi: वहाँ पे 3-3 गाड़ियाँ खड़ी थी 

Security Women, MDU: तो चल रहे हैं ना मम, हम साथ चल रहें हैं 

Vijay Dangi: वहाँ पे इतनी सारी गाड़ियाँ खड़ी थी 

Security Women, MDU: मेरेको गाडी नहीं आती 

चलो चलो अब चलो आप 

चलो मैडम आप चलो आराम से 

Outside Secretariat, Video After Violence, H#16, Type-3 (10.4.2019)

 Violence, H#16, Type-3, Video, (Outside Secretariat) 10.4.2019

Click on Outside Secretariat, Video After Violence (0.31)

Or copy paste: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CtTRLG_kCQ&t=11s

Vijay Dangi: सर आप PA हैं VC के?

 सर आप PA हैं VC के?

VC's PA: मैं  हूँ जी 

Vijay Dangi: VC Sir कहाँ पे हैं?

 VC's PA: Out of station हैं.

Vijay Dangi: Out of station कहाँ पे?

Someone voice कित गया रे वो सोनी 

Vijay Dangi उनकी यूनिवर्सिटी में इतना बड़ा काँड हुआ है क्या उन्हें मालूम है?

Security women मैडम, आ जाओ 

चलो मेरी बात सुनो 

Vijay Dangi आप 2 मिनट रुको मुझे अपना काम करने दो आप लोगों ने अपना कर लिया 

Security woman हम समझते हैं 

VC sir को इन्फॉर्म करदो अगर नहीं हुआ है, वैसे तो हो चुका है, मीडिया में आ चुका है तो हो चुका है      

Violence related Videos H#16, Type-3 (10-4-2019)

Violence related Videos of H#16, Type-3 (10-4-2019)

When I went to classes, I had been informed by students about some videos of this violence on some Gajender Phoghat FB wall. 

Link of that page: Click on    Violence Videos

Or copy paste the link below

Then two videos are there from Secretariat Branch of MDU
VC's PA, security and others, outside Secretariat 
(Till today same VC is there on that chair)

Registrar Office, Secretariat, MDU
(Till today same Registrar is there on that chair)

And one video was provided by so-called committee, after long, after requests of outside H#16, Type-3, happenings of that time period. 
I found it very "interesting drama". Check the sequence of events.
Recording Violence Day, Outside H#16, Type-3
(Has any action been taken against any of these conspirators, criminals, women-beaters, "iska ilaag jaroori hai" type history sheeters, patriarchal-shitholes, who think any independent women is a danger to their talibani-culture?)

Yes! Against the one who has raised her voice -- in the form of cases and more cases, until she had to resign again due to safety and non workable environment. I had put only two conditions "safety and workable environment, at residence area and office."
Wonder, if that was too much to ask for or Rights of an employee?
अधिकार माँगने से कहाँ मिलते हैं?

You can check these videos.
 I will discuss them, one by one, along with that
"अंधी-बहरी" committee's interesting report.

Violence, Video-5, H#16, Type-3

Violence, Video-5, H#16, Type-3

Click on Violence Video-5 (0.03)

Or copy paste https://www.facebook.com/100009666409780/videos/pcb.923166141348924/923166064682265

हाय मरगी 

हा हा 

मरजा मरअ है त 


(In background, one kid also weeping) 

Violence, Video-4, H#16, Type-3

Violence, Video-4, H#16, Type-3

Click on Violence Video 4 (0.19)

Or copy-paste link given below:


छोरी न देख ले एक ब 

ददा तू छोरी न ठा एक ब 

 (Kid crying in the background)

देखो बाल क्यूकर पकड़ री है 

खून दीख रहा है, सामने दिख रहा है खून 

हाँ मैंने हाथ लाया है ?

देखो देखो 

पकड़ का इहने दबोच लो न छोरी--- (गाली )

Violence, Videos-3, H#16, Type-3

 Violence, Videos-3, H#16, Type-3

In this video the elder lady was lying on the ground, while bringing me down from bed such a way that nose remains upside down and interesting people are saying "या बूढी लुगाई ने, बमार न, क्यूकर गेररि".

Not just that but these clips are of just few minutes and selective in nature. Still showing well, "Iska Ilaage jaroori hai" earlier warning on someone Satish Tyagi FB wall, even here in this video.

 Click on: Violence, Video-3 (1.25)

Or Copy-Paste https://www.facebook.com/100009666409780/videos/pcb.923166141348924/923165871348951

Elder lady: बना बना ले 

Video making guy: बणाण लाग रया सुं 

जब या बूढी लुगाई ने, बमार न, क्यूकर गेररि 


Video making guy: या नु  ला री थी याड़े कोई कोना 

Elder lady:और एक ली न ते या मैंने कतई मार क जा ए 

Me: पानी चाहिए मुझे 

 ..... सी हो रही है 

Elder lady: हाँ पयांवंगे तने पानी, रंडी बाल छोड़ दे 

Me: हा हाअ 

Elder lady: तने प्याऊंगी पानी बाल छोड़ दे मेरे 

Me: हा हा अ 

Elder lady: मेरे बाल छोड़ दे भाइरोइ 

Me: हा अ हा अ 

Elder lady: बाल पकड़ री है  या 

Background voice/Chacha: कोए बात ना इसका विडियो बनाओ 

Video guy: बनाऊ सु बनान लाग रया सु 

Background voice/Chacha: बनाओ बनाओ इसका 

Me: हा अ हा अ 

Background voice/Chacha: इसका आज इलाज़ पूरा बाँधो 

Video guy: इलाज़ पूरा बांधेंगे तेरा आज 

आज तेरा पूरा 

गलत जगह फंसगी है तू 

Me: हा अ हा अ 

Background voice: विडियो बना 

Video guy: घर मैं घुस क जो तने अटैक करा है न ईब तने बेरा पटेगा (?) 

बेरा पटजागा सारा 

Chacha: छोड़ इस न बूढी न 

Elder lady: न पड़ई रहण दे 

Chacha: छोड़ इसने 

Me:ये क्या कर रखा है 

Chacha: ये सब होगा 

Me: ये क्या बतमीज़ी है 

ये बतमीज़ी है 

Video guy: क्यों आयी मेरे घर मैं घुसी क्यों 

घुसी क्यों? 

डंडा ले री थी ये डंडा (Check again my entry to this home from outside home video)

Background Voice: ईब पुलिस 


Elder lady: तले पड़ 

I fainted

Violence Video-1, H#16, Type-3

Violence Video-1, H#16, Type-3

Let's start from my entry to H#16, Type-3, on 10.4.2019

I feared something bad as they had already started abusing and threatening me in the filthy and ugly language in the lobby itself. I somehow opened my bag and got the hold of small phone and they threw away my bag. I tried to call security but had not been given even that chance. 

I have been dragged and pushed inside drawing room from lobby by three to four people while I questioned them about my furniture and their motive of pushing me like that. I had been  thrown on the floor while the elder lady sit on sofa and kicked me continuously with legs at chest and belly or wherever she could. 

Shirt has already been torn. Beaten with stick by elder man and kicked by legs by someone. Hit on nose and head multiple times. Blood was flowing through my nose.  

The guy with camera in hand was making selective video clips and abusing and saying something contrary to the happenings in Haryanvi.

Click on Violence Video (1:12)

Or copy paste link: 


(Videos, I had uploaded on Youtube, seems have some problems. So you can check the original source on Gajender Phoghat wall.)

घरां बड़े है यो पीछे से 

Neighbor Lady from H#15: बूढी लुगाई है, छोड़ दे बालां न, विजय बालां न छोड़ दे......... भाइरोइ, ए विजय छोड़ दे बालां न, विजय बालां न छोड़ दे 

दादी, दादी छोड़ न तू एक बे छोड़ दे 

पुलिस आवे है 

(The video making guy calling someone chacha, abusing me in the background. He was standing along-with Dr. Sajjan Dahiya and some other people were also abusing in filthy language and saying)

वीडियो बनाओ बहनचोद कुतिया की 

(I had nothing to say surrounded by so-many hostile, abusive and violent people except or say whatever a person could understand amid such an attack.) 

बनाओ, बनाओ, देखो क्या ( क्या किया हुआ है), बनाओ 

The video making guy: हाँ ये के देख, डंडा लेके भीतर बड़ी है 

डंडा लेके भीतर बड़ी है 

यो डंडा धरा 

डंडा भी धरा है (Please check the video of outside house, while I entered this house)

Neighbor lady: ए विजय रहन दे 

Me: आंटी 

Video making guy: दादी 

दादी तू छोड़ दे एक बे 

गेट बंद करदे तू दादा (If someone has entered your home and that person is alone and you are 3-4 or even more, what will you do? Simply will say, get lost from house, if that's yours and there is no other problem? Or maximum will call university security, maybe till that time you can lock that person? Or whatever these filthy criminals did?).

छोड़ दे तू दादी 

Neighbor Lady: बूढी लुगाई गेले.....     तू भाइरोइ 

या बूढी के लपट गी 

Video making guy: लकडन न देनी है या 

ददा गेट बंद करदो, आप दूर जाओ 

Neighbor lady: ये न मानते कौनसे भी 

Video making guy: एक मिंट रुक जाओ 

या लकडन न देनी 

....देख इसके चाले (The elder man can be listened in the background)

Cries as nose was paining badly, blood was flowing  from nose and mouth. There was  pain of hairs tearing apart and twisting badly, continuous hitting on body.

Violence was going on since time (Check Outside video again 11.30? to 12. something

and MDU security had reached outside this house at ........as per recording given by Dr. Sajjan Dahiya himself. What they were doing there?

Violence, Video-2, H#16, Type-3

Violence, Video-2, H#16, Type-3

Click on Violence,  Video-2 (0.26)

Or copy paste given link: https://www.facebook.com/100009666409780/videos/pcb.923166141348924/923165664682305

इह भाइरोइ धौरे छुडवा दे मैने 

(Neither allowed to call security and house bolted from inside and what they were trying to project?)

दादी हाम हाथ ना ला सकते इब (One old lady did all that?)

और किहे न बला क  ला रह पड़ोस मैं ते 

बला बला बला और किसे ने बला बला 

देखो या चाबी घुमा (What kinda chabi they are talking about?)