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Media and education technology by profession. Writing is drug. Minute observer, believe in instinct, curious, science communicator, agnostic, lil-bit adventurous, lil-bit rebel, nature lover, sometimes feel like to read and travel. Love my people and my pets and love to be surrounded by them.


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Before Violence Week Correspondence, Happenings

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Violence Day, PGI Trauma Centre Drama (10-4-2019)

Violence, H#16, Type-3 (10-4-2019)

Day of Violence, PGI Drama

It's these recent cases of 2017-2021, which gave the idea that things are not, the way they are looking like. They are not, the way, in general people know them. Or the way message has been passed on to the surrounding or to general public. 

Whatever happened on 10-4-2019 in this house is there to some extent in some videos available publicly. Visuals and wordings of people are contradictory. Committee report, totally bogus. Or say talking in cryptic language about something. 

Official chairs response? Should I repeat time and again?

After MDU violence, PGI drama was even more interesting. As last few posts were about medical documents, let's check these also:

Whatever was happening here, in trauma center was kinda compelling me to get lost from this place. There were two sides and both were trying to put their versions rather than facts. 


Then there would be interesting police version also. These people asked me what happened and got even signatures from me in that condition. Later on, when I read that, I found they had deviated many facts as has been informed by me. I was not in the condition to write at that time as I had been advised to keep head in upside position rather than looking downside, due to blood flow from nose.

After few hours, I was better and felt whatever was happening. I was getting reports even without checking or tests! Even in that condition they were trying to show me some plays.

Do cross check hype of this version, parallel case Bengal violence, Vijayvargiye and blah, blah, blah.

What was the name of that PGI police station SHO? Vijayvargiye or something like?

There is another video, I got after few requests, after many months and was provided by the women beaters, organized crime criminal/s. It has some interesting information again about whatever was happening inside Big Boss House #16, Type-3 vs. whatever was happening outside the house.

What if I had not decided to sit back in 2021 and analyzed and cross checked all these cases to compile? Even I had been in dark about so many things. 

It's better to step back sometimes rather than letting things happen or flowing with the flow, the way they were happening. It's better sometimes, to get lost from rat race zone and overview.

I feel people who are in some specific professions or chairs since long must also take some time period off from that -- to analyze, to know, what they are doing and why? It must be for people in politics, gamble, private sector zones like education, healthcare and lawyers firms etc. And what about people who have made these institutions (include in that public institutions also), total political akharas rather than what they are meant for?

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