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Media and education technology by profession. Writing is drug. Minute observer, believe in instinct, curious, science communicator, agnostic, lil-bit adventurous, lil-bit rebel, nature lover, sometimes feel like to read and travel. Love my people and my pets and love to be surrounded by them.


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Before Violence Week Correspondence, Happenings

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Registrar Office, Video, After Violence, H#16, Type-3 (10.4.2019)

Violence, H#16, Type-3, Video, (Registrar Office) 10.4.2019 

Registrar: बोल दिया फर्स्ट ऐड के लिए 

Vijay Dangi: कितनी देर में हो जायेगी, एक घंटे से वेट कर रही हूँ मैं?

मुझे तो अभी सुचना मिली है 

अभी तो मैं आपके पास आके खड़ी हुयी हूँ 

सारी की सारी सिक्योरिटी आपकी वहाँ खड़ी हुयी है, जो की वेट कर रही थी की विजय दांगी मर जाए 

Some voice  in the background अशोक जी 

Vijay Dangi: ये झूठी फाइल्स जरूरी हैं या लाइफ जरूरी है?

Registrar: जो करेगा फर्स्ट ऐड वही करेगा ना, बोल दिया फर्स्ट ऐड के लिए  

(He is a registrar of a university, what to say about other employees?)

Vijay Dangi: आप बोल कैसे रहे हैं, इस कंडीशन में एक फैकल्टी से?

VC Sir, हैं यहाँ पे, या VC Sir के पास इनफार्मेशन नहीं है जो हुआ है यूनिवर्सिटी में? 

Registrar: बुलाना फर्स्ट ऐड के लिए जल्दी बुलाना 

Vijay Dangi: Sir, VC Sir, कहाँ हैं?

Registrar: Out of station हैं 

Vijay Dangi: Out of station कहाँ पे?

Registrar: शायद। ......... ?

Vijay Dangi: इन्फॉर्म किया गया है सर को यहाँ क्या हुआ है?

Registrar: फर्स्ट ऐड के लिए 

Security Person: मेडिकल से बुला लूँ या यहाँ से 

Vijay Dangi: नाक की   हड्डी टूटी है, यहाँ के मेडिकल ऑफिसर से कुछ नहीं होना 

Registrar: तो कोई सिक्योरिटी वाला है मेडिकल में ले जाओ 

Vijay Dangi: सारी की सारी सिक्योरिटी उस घर के बहार खड़ी तमाशा देख रही है 

Registrar: लेडीज़ को, एक दो लेडीज़ को बुला लेंगे 

Vijay Dangi: सारी की सारी लेडीज़ वहीं पे खड़ी हैं 16 नंबर के बहार 

मतलब, ये सारा का सारा ऑथॉरिटीज़ की knowledge में हो रहा है, की पूरी सिक्योरिटी वहाँ तमाशा देख रही थी? 

Registrar: एक बार ये मेडिकल में ले जाना है 

Someone voice: एक बार चाबी दियो गाड़ी की, हटा दे उस गाड़ी ने 

Vijay Dangi: मैं हटा दूंगी आप पहले तमीज़ से बात करें, आप वहीँ थे अभी तक एक घंटे तक 

Baljit, MDU Security: हाँ हाँ वहीँ था मैं और के 

Vijay Dangi: क्या कर रहे थे, आपकी ड्यूटी नहीं थी फर्स्ट ऐड करवाने की, की मुझे यहाँ रजिस्ट्रार तक खुद ड्राइव करके आना पड़ा?

Baljit, MDU Security: डॉक्टर बुलाया था वहाँ पे डॉक्टर को बुला रहे थे 

Vijay Dangi: क्या बुला रहे थे?  मुझे इतनी देर से ..

Baljit, MDU Security: वो डॉक्टर बोला, मैं अभी आ रहा हूँ, अभी मैं ऑपरेशन कर रहा हूँ 

Vijay Dangi: ऑपरेशन? कितनी दूर था मेडिकल वहां से?

Baljit, MDU Security: मुझे इस चीज़ का तो पता नहीं, हमने तो कंप्लेंट कर दी थी 

Security Woman, MDU: आ जाओ मम करवाके लाते हैं 

Vijay Dangi: आप वहीँ से आये हैं ना, 16 नंबर से?

Security Woman, MDU: हाँ जी मम 

Vijay Dangi: मैं कह रही थी मुझे कोई लेके जा सकता है, कोई लेके नहीं आया 

Security Woman, MDU: मैडम बोला था हमने बोला था 

Another Security Woman, MDU: हमें गाड़ी चलानी नहीं आती 

Vijay Dangi: वहाँ पे 3-3 गाड़ियाँ खड़ी थी 

Security Women, MDU: तो चल रहे हैं ना मम, हम साथ चल रहें हैं 

Vijay Dangi: वहाँ पे इतनी सारी गाड़ियाँ खड़ी थी 

Security Women, MDU: मेरेको गाडी नहीं आती 

चलो चलो अब चलो आप 

चलो मैडम आप चलो आराम से 

Outside Secretariat, Video After Violence, H#16, Type-3 (10.4.2019)

 Violence, H#16, Type-3, Video, (Outside Secretariat) 10.4.2019

Click on Outside Secretariat, Video After Violence (0.31)

Or copy paste: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CtTRLG_kCQ&t=11s

Vijay Dangi: सर आप PA हैं VC के?

 सर आप PA हैं VC के?

VC's PA: मैं  हूँ जी 

Vijay Dangi: VC Sir कहाँ पे हैं?

 VC's PA: Out of station हैं.

Vijay Dangi: Out of station कहाँ पे?

Someone voice कित गया रे वो सोनी 

Vijay Dangi उनकी यूनिवर्सिटी में इतना बड़ा काँड हुआ है क्या उन्हें मालूम है?

Security women मैडम, आ जाओ 

चलो मेरी बात सुनो 

Vijay Dangi आप 2 मिनट रुको मुझे अपना काम करने दो आप लोगों ने अपना कर लिया 

Security woman हम समझते हैं 

VC sir को इन्फॉर्म करदो अगर नहीं हुआ है, वैसे तो हो चुका है, मीडिया में आ चुका है तो हो चुका है      

Violence related Videos H#16, Type-3 (10-4-2019)

Violence related Videos of H#16, Type-3 (10-4-2019)

When I went to classes, I had been informed by students about some videos of this violence on some Gajender Phoghat FB wall. 

Link of that page: Click on    Violence Videos

Or copy paste the link below

Then two videos are there from Secretariat Branch of MDU
VC's PA, security and others, outside Secretariat 
(Till today same VC is there on that chair)

Registrar Office, Secretariat, MDU
(Till today same Registrar is there on that chair)

And one video was provided by so-called committee, after long, after requests of outside H#16, Type-3, happenings of that time period. 
I found it very "interesting drama". Check the sequence of events.
Recording Violence Day, Outside H#16, Type-3
(Has any action been taken against any of these conspirators, criminals, women-beaters, "iska ilaag jaroori hai" type history sheeters, patriarchal-shitholes, who think any independent women is a danger to their talibani-culture?)

Yes! Against the one who has raised her voice -- in the form of cases and more cases, until she had to resign again due to safety and non workable environment. I had put only two conditions "safety and workable environment, at residence area and office."
Wonder, if that was too much to ask for or Rights of an employee?
अधिकार माँगने से कहाँ मिलते हैं?

You can check these videos.
 I will discuss them, one by one, along with that
"अंधी-बहरी" committee's interesting report.

Violence, Video-5, H#16, Type-3

Violence, Video-5, H#16, Type-3

Click on Violence Video-5 (0.03)

Or copy paste https://www.facebook.com/100009666409780/videos/pcb.923166141348924/923166064682265

हाय मरगी 

हा हा 

मरजा मरअ है त 


(In background, one kid also weeping) 

Violence, Video-4, H#16, Type-3

Violence, Video-4, H#16, Type-3

Click on Violence Video 4 (0.19)

Or copy-paste link given below:


छोरी न देख ले एक ब 

ददा तू छोरी न ठा एक ब 

 (Kid crying in the background)

देखो बाल क्यूकर पकड़ री है 

खून दीख रहा है, सामने दिख रहा है खून 

हाँ मैंने हाथ लाया है ?

देखो देखो 

पकड़ का इहने दबोच लो न छोरी--- (गाली )

Violence, Videos-3, H#16, Type-3

 Violence, Videos-3, H#16, Type-3

In this video the elder lady was lying on the ground, while bringing me down from bed such a way that nose remains upside down and interesting people are saying "या बूढी लुगाई ने, बमार न, क्यूकर गेररि".

Not just that but these clips are of just few minutes and selective in nature. Still showing well, "Iska Ilaage jaroori hai" earlier warning on someone Satish Tyagi FB wall, even here in this video.

 Click on: Violence, Video-3 (1.25)

Or Copy-Paste https://www.facebook.com/100009666409780/videos/pcb.923166141348924/923165871348951

Elder lady: बना बना ले 

Video making guy: बणाण लाग रया सुं 

जब या बूढी लुगाई ने, बमार न, क्यूकर गेररि 


Video making guy: या नु  ला री थी याड़े कोई कोना 

Elder lady:और एक ली न ते या मैंने कतई मार क जा ए 

Me: पानी चाहिए मुझे 

 ..... सी हो रही है 

Elder lady: हाँ पयांवंगे तने पानी, रंडी बाल छोड़ दे 

Me: हा हाअ 

Elder lady: तने प्याऊंगी पानी बाल छोड़ दे मेरे 

Me: हा हा अ 

Elder lady: मेरे बाल छोड़ दे भाइरोइ 

Me: हा अ हा अ 

Elder lady: बाल पकड़ री है  या 

Background voice/Chacha: कोए बात ना इसका विडियो बनाओ 

Video guy: बनाऊ सु बनान लाग रया सु 

Background voice/Chacha: बनाओ बनाओ इसका 

Me: हा अ हा अ 

Background voice/Chacha: इसका आज इलाज़ पूरा बाँधो 

Video guy: इलाज़ पूरा बांधेंगे तेरा आज 

आज तेरा पूरा 

गलत जगह फंसगी है तू 

Me: हा अ हा अ 

Background voice: विडियो बना 

Video guy: घर मैं घुस क जो तने अटैक करा है न ईब तने बेरा पटेगा (?) 

बेरा पटजागा सारा 

Chacha: छोड़ इस न बूढी न 

Elder lady: न पड़ई रहण दे 

Chacha: छोड़ इसने 

Me:ये क्या कर रखा है 

Chacha: ये सब होगा 

Me: ये क्या बतमीज़ी है 

ये बतमीज़ी है 

Video guy: क्यों आयी मेरे घर मैं घुसी क्यों 

घुसी क्यों? 

डंडा ले री थी ये डंडा (Check again my entry to this home from outside home video)

Background Voice: ईब पुलिस 


Elder lady: तले पड़ 

I fainted

Violence Video-1, H#16, Type-3

Violence Video-1, H#16, Type-3

Let's start from my entry to H#16, Type-3, on 10.4.2019

I feared something bad as they had already started abusing and threatening me in the filthy and ugly language in the lobby itself. I somehow opened my bag and got the hold of small phone and they threw away my bag. I tried to call security but had not been given even that chance. 

I have been dragged and pushed inside drawing room from lobby by three to four people while I questioned them about my furniture and their motive of pushing me like that. I had been  thrown on the floor while the elder lady sit on sofa and kicked me continuously with legs at chest and belly or wherever she could. 

Shirt has already been torn. Beaten with stick by elder man and kicked by legs by someone. Hit on nose and head multiple times. Blood was flowing through my nose.  

The guy with camera in hand was making selective video clips and abusing and saying something contrary to the happenings in Haryanvi.

Click on Violence Video (1:12)

Or copy paste link: 


(Videos, I had uploaded on Youtube, seems have some problems. So you can check the original source on Gajender Phoghat wall.)

घरां बड़े है यो पीछे से 

Neighbor Lady from H#15: बूढी लुगाई है, छोड़ दे बालां न, विजय बालां न छोड़ दे......... भाइरोइ, ए विजय छोड़ दे बालां न, विजय बालां न छोड़ दे 

दादी, दादी छोड़ न तू एक बे छोड़ दे 

पुलिस आवे है 

(The video making guy calling someone chacha, abusing me in the background. He was standing along-with Dr. Sajjan Dahiya and some other people were also abusing in filthy language and saying)

वीडियो बनाओ बहनचोद कुतिया की 

(I had nothing to say surrounded by so-many hostile, abusive and violent people except or say whatever a person could understand amid such an attack.) 

बनाओ, बनाओ, देखो क्या ( क्या किया हुआ है), बनाओ 

The video making guy: हाँ ये के देख, डंडा लेके भीतर बड़ी है 

डंडा लेके भीतर बड़ी है 

यो डंडा धरा 

डंडा भी धरा है (Please check the video of outside house, while I entered this house)

Neighbor lady: ए विजय रहन दे 

Me: आंटी 

Video making guy: दादी 

दादी तू छोड़ दे एक बे 

गेट बंद करदे तू दादा (If someone has entered your home and that person is alone and you are 3-4 or even more, what will you do? Simply will say, get lost from house, if that's yours and there is no other problem? Or maximum will call university security, maybe till that time you can lock that person? Or whatever these filthy criminals did?).

छोड़ दे तू दादी 

Neighbor Lady: बूढी लुगाई गेले.....     तू भाइरोइ 

या बूढी के लपट गी 

Video making guy: लकडन न देनी है या 

ददा गेट बंद करदो, आप दूर जाओ 

Neighbor lady: ये न मानते कौनसे भी 

Video making guy: एक मिंट रुक जाओ 

या लकडन न देनी 

....देख इसके चाले (The elder man can be listened in the background)

Cries as nose was paining badly, blood was flowing  from nose and mouth. There was  pain of hairs tearing apart and twisting badly, continuous hitting on body.

Violence was going on since time (Check Outside video again 11.30? to 12. something

and MDU security had reached outside this house at ........as per recording given by Dr. Sajjan Dahiya himself. What they were doing there?

Violence, Video-2, H#16, Type-3

Violence, Video-2, H#16, Type-3

Click on Violence,  Video-2 (0.26)

Or copy paste given link: https://www.facebook.com/100009666409780/videos/pcb.923166141348924/923165664682305

इह भाइरोइ धौरे छुडवा दे मैने 

(Neither allowed to call security and house bolted from inside and what they were trying to project?)

दादी हाम हाथ ना ला सकते इब (One old lady did all that?)

और किहे न बला क  ला रह पड़ोस मैं ते 

बला बला बला और किसे ने बला बला 

देखो या चाबी घुमा (What kinda chabi they are talking about?)

Before Violence Week Correspondence, Happenings

 Violence H#16, Type-3

What was happening after October 2018? House rent drama and violence seems related and conspired.

In October 2018, I took a home on rent in Omaxe but suspected something foul so could not shift. Rather felt better to take some time and put a double door LG Freeze there. As said earlier, I had started hitting in dark to get answers to so many questions. 

I had also started again repair my house requests (H#30, Type-4) 

The weak before violence correspondence

After this meeting, I went to H#16, Type-3. And what was that? 
Met there Dr. Vikas Siwach (President MDUTA) and Dr. Sajjan Dahiya. First, Dr. Vikas came there, just when I reached at that house door. Then Dr. Sajjan Dahiya. Met this guy first time. I did not even know till that time that he was a faculty in MDU. 
Some request to repair my house H#30, Type-4 turned into argument with Dr. Vikas Siwach. And I said, I will study here in this H#16, Type-3 till that time. 
Meanwhile, Dr. Sajjan Dahiya, much junior to me started talking in quarrelsome and offensive language. I advised him not to fall prey to unnecessary incentives as probably you don't know the history of this house (H#16, Type-3) or house (H#30, Type-4). And I came back. 

Same day or next day I guess, I had shifted some of my furniture to this house H#16, Type-3 as a protest. There was no logic to occupy this house along with my current house and to pay for both from my pay. Neither I had that much time. For a single person managing one house is difficult along with job and especially the kind of environment I was facing. 
Why any person would do that? Until and unless forced to do that as everyone isn't a muscular or power goon and cannot behave that way. Some people believe in this kinda protest only.

Just after few days, on 10-4-2019
I had a class and student did not come. I waited for some time but instead of students got this GB (General Branch) letter. 

On the day of violence, I got this GB letter dated 9-4-2019
in response to my complain of 26-12-2018
(Check response gap) Means design had already been well planned.
You will find the same date 9-4-2019 on Dr. Sajjan Dahiya's interesting letter "Found some furniture, outside home" -- next post on furniture.

If you are able to understand this cryptic model of writing, please do inform me. In case we have a house within campus, we don't get HRA so there is no meaning of mention or special cut on that name of H#30, Type-3. Even my complain was not about house 30 but house 16. 

Just few days back before this violence, I read on some local media person social site something,
 "Iska Illage jaroori hai"
I had posted that screenshot on my twitter also if I am not wrong, but unable to find now. I had also conveyed the same to Vice Chancellor verbally -- that some murder plan seems under way. And Vice Chancellor said, no such thing would happen -- that was my last meeting to Vice Chancellor.
Vice Chancellor never met after that, not even after request/s.

Violence H#16, Type-3 (10-4-2019)

This case has been divided into three parts:

1. Pre Violence Happenings Including a brief description of  
     H#16, Type-3 happenings/mishappenings and my complaints to whoever I could
Interesting reply of then VC, 2012, Prof. Ramphal Hooda "Bhoot aa gaye honge, havan karwa lo"
     H#30, Type-4 happenings and mishappenings and complaints
     Focus pre-violence week
2. Violence Day Drama 
3. Post Violence Authorities Behaviour and Committee Drama/Report
What I noticed while going through these cases and documents is that every date, month, year, timing, who's who at chairs at that time, surrounding and most words in these documents indicate something. 
Another interesting note was provocation factors before most of these cases, ignorance of the concerned person of specific codes and their importance. Psycho study? Surveillance abuse? SWOT analysis? And so much work while getting this level of perfection to get desired results. 

Some documents for your view:



Special Play/Drama even before I entered this home.
Only if I knew then meaning of all this!

5th April, 2019, Still Repair!

Talk to VC, Registrar in between all this
And shifted only some furniture to H#16, Type-3
Talk with Dr. Vikas Siwach, President, MDUTA and strange talk (?) by Dr. Sajjan Dahiya 
(Much junior to me. Met first time.)
I would be thankful if those who said we have recording could put that online.

And Social FB warnings "Iska Ilage Jaroori Hai"
And on 10-4-2019, M.Tech students did not come. 
Rather I got this: Special ROP cuts!
Above 85000/
and these special calculations by general branch people.
The same people who could not repair H#16, Type-3 when I was in that home.
And could not this H#30, Type-4
Rather tried to kick me out to omaxe (To create another 14!?) 
Special designer party? 
Somewhat like Covid-19? That's nothing compare to 14 as I had gone through much till this time and had known a bit more than required for common people (In these people's language!).

Interesting people probably had no idea that I had even written in official mail that I will shift to H#16, Type-3 till repair of H#30, Type-4 or provide me a safe and livable home. 
They have created this later (Check date and month)

Got this even later:

In created cases, you will always find such designs. These designers also designed special videos of outside house and inside house. Again got that CD even much later after requests. And that day PGI drama! Oops! Have some of those special doc created prints err documents also!
You will find some part of that in this case study book.

After reading these documents along with some diseases and operation and deaths details in next few cases, I hope common people would be able or at least try to check/stop some special diseases creations. 

Monday, March 25, 2019

After Omaxe, Campus House Rent Drama

 Violence H#16, Type-3

What was happening after October 2018? House rent drama and violence seems related and conspired.

In October 2018, I took a home on rent in Omaxe but suspected something foul so could not shift. Rather felt better to take some time and put a double door LG Freeze there. As said earlier, I had started hitting in dark to get answers to so many questions. 

I could not shift to omaxe so started writing again to authorities, "repair my house requests (H#30, Type-4)", as I had no place to live expect this home. House outside campus or daily updown from my home, both were not feasible under the given circumstance.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Omaxe and Google Googly (1 October, 2018)

Omaxe, Near Delhi Bypass, Rohtak

1 October, 2018

Opened google and what was that?

Ditto. How that could be? Landlord omaxe.

I took a home on rent outside campus, gave advance rent. But I was getting some strange signals from here or there. People who were in-between, in all probability knew nothing -- whatever was happening. I was about to shift but decided not to. And some rent drama had started within campus.

September 2018, was psycho special design. You can read again Veerbhan lab case and Psycho Control. 

I had been advised after that (September 2018, Psycho Control) to leave this campus residence, Big Boss house#30, Type-4. Why? To get rid of campus house problems. But the way things were outside campus, it was even more difficult. I had not the confidence to do daily up-down from home, due to fear of more fake case creations and such problems. The lady who was there to help me to get a safe home outside campus, was a simple and helping lady and in all probability ignorant about so many things. 

I watched two houses but did not feel secure due to some factors. The house, I said yes looked better from security point of view. Things were ok up to this point. Then came this contract sign and some play. Play part made me doubtful about my decision to leave campus and was irritating. I wanted to take some time before any decision but signed hesitantly, don't know why. 

On that, this google kalaakari (check above pic) and I had lost whatever confidence I had, to leave campus. Fact was even I was fed up of campus residence problems over the years and wanted to leave campus residence. But somehow, I had been reminded sector-14 scandal design. And I refused to leave campus, come what may. Fight till last would be from here now, was the only option for me.

After some days of rented omaxe house, I bought a freeze, double door LG of some specific colour and put it there in that omaxe house. Don't know why. Nothing else had been shifted there. After a month or so people had started asking in the surrounding, when you will shift there? And I was like questioning myself, would I? Probably, I had started hitting in the dark, for some clues, to get some answers to so many questions. Though, I had a white single door, LG freeze earlier and it was enough for me. 

A flashback: 
Most of my house appliances, including furniture was purchased in 2009, including this LG single door freeze. I had to leave hostel due to an accident and had to rent a home in sector-14, in 2009. There were some designs on some furniture, again irritating and beyond my choice, I had purchased over the years. So many such designs, I could only understand, after few more cases and design studies in 2018 and later on. This time period (2018 onwards) was also for some dissections of some appliances, furniture, lab studies, infrastructure etc. For example campus house freeze dissection and relation of some story/lecture by Professor Khatkar about Er VK Singh in 2010? Er VK Singh was a director of UIET, MDU for a short time period only. Details maybe in some other post of these interesting designs studies and companies/brands names. It's kinda what lies in a name?

Back to topic: 
This omaxe house rent contract also had something (some ID of mine), which I had not provided. Then how these people got that and why wrote that in that contract? I noticed it later on. Need to cross check this last part again, I guess? Phone number and some ID?

They say, being curious is not good for a happy life. Sometimes, ignorance is bliss. Is it? Probably yes, probably no. Or maybe, the idea of happiness is different for different people or it maybe so overrated at times?

Monday, October 15, 2018

Panipat Accident and Play (2018)

Someone said somewhere, to know the reality of democracy and elections, check stand up comedies. I checked a few and felt repulsive about the way they were hurling slangs, abuses and reality has been intermixed with added and projected mirch-masala as per their gain. But then that's the comedians work, don't watch, if you don't like.

Comedies on tragedies

Till the time, you don't know real bites of tragedies, they would not look that bad. But once you start realizing that, nothing can be more repulsive than them.

Think of a situation, where some real stand up comedian err experimenter took you on a trail of some happenings or mishappenings and you went ahead with those plays to know the facts of some crime tales -- operations, diseases including deaths (assisted murders). Both these people were in different zone on thinking mode and probably search results also. Then there were live commentators. Live commentaries were another aspect of eye opening about this gambling. 

I feared in this search trail zone once, when I had to go to Panipat. I said yes, but some recent accident was on mind. 

I never felt like that way, I feared that day of accident (in 2018, I guess). There was a large size truck-trala, much behind my car. I gave the signal to turn the other side of road from nearby crossing to take a U-turn, nearby Dohara or Dahara or whatever it was as I was doubtful of that way. My car was too slow and on right side of road. Just when I was about to cross, it came from right side of the road and hit my car driver side. That moment was like last moment of life. It was too bigger even to check from my car and my driver-side door was blocked. Even before I could understand anything that trala went away from my sight. I was a bit relaxed now with tears in eyes, with strange kind of fear but came out of car as car had stopped working. Till that time, some more people and vehicles had also surrounded my car. One said, madam tyre gone. I had also noted that by that time. Rear tyre of my car's right side (driver side) had a big hole like pieced by some iron rode. Tyre was totally damaged, flat on road, the way, that even my car had a tilt that side. I asked people there if some car mechanic was nearby or could be called. The guy who said, "madam tyre gaya", said, "across the road" -- opposite side to the one, I was trying to take a U-turn. Driver side door had some problem in opening but it was working. I started the car again and it started. I crossed the road. There was a small tea shop. Some children were playing there. A women was sweeping nearby that shop and dust was all around. Some man looked towards me and then towards that lady and said to her, "madam chai banao". I was already disturbed and this non-sense was irritating more. Around same time, some policeman came there. And a tractor and trolley with organic fertilized (gobar-khad) in it. I asked this tea stall person, where was car mechanic shop? Or if someone could change that flat tyre. And he said, wait. We will call. I asked him, how much time will it take? And he said rudely, "madam, time to lagega."  Drama was going on and I came back inside my car to ignore that and said, I am waiting for that mechanic there. 

After some time, a guy came and changed the tyre. What a small problem was that. There were damages to the right side of car but I was safe. But 

The precision of tyre piercing and operations and accidents files were open again. The horror, I was feeling since some last few years was there in front of me. But still I was not able to understand as much as later cases, especially Covid-19 opened my eyes.  That day, I was on my way to Chandigarh to discuss some cases somewhere and to file a case in High Court. But even up to that time, I had not the realization of scale of this gambling. 

After that, don't know why, I did not feel like to go ahead as planned. As just before this accident, two accident tries on the same road were there, the same day. One, by a speeded Haryana roadways and then just after some time, a tractor was coming from opposite side, with full speed in wrong direction. This was the third try. I did not want to take chance fearing the forth. And I turned back, not back to Rohtak but Delhi side. Something was boiling in mind. But don't know why, came back and again went ahead as planned. I reached Chandigarh almost in the evening. News was already online in different forms. High court plan was cancel for the time. Direction had already become towards Delhi now. Further cases, made that direction even stronger. 

After some days, there was an accident of IPS Sanjeev Bhatt's son car. And again there was some trala and conspiracies theories. Can only say, strange world of crime and criminals.

Print and Pencil, Blah, blah college

Place, date, vehicles, plays. No-one can understand such complexities, without cross checking facts, across different cases.

Some trala was there even in MDU, Gate No. 1 accident case. Though, I could not understand anything then. Did not even had any doubt on that. But, I had not been provided camera footage of that time by university people even after request on whatever excuse, raised some questions. I read that case also again and tried to search some questions answers unsuccessfully then. I guess, codes or cryptic case language have those answers.

Like intestinal operation development of my mother in December 2019, alongside exams fraud case in December 2019?

Saturday, October 13, 2018

i10 Case and Som Samosa? Srishti Hyundai, RTK (14-5-2018)

Srishti Hyundai, Rohtak Case, Jind Bypass Road (14th May 2018)  

How to snatch living or non-living, by enforcement/s and different criminal ways? In political terminology, perhaps it's known as Sham, Daam, Dand, Bhedh?

In case of machinery, it can be any electronic items including laptop/s, car, house appliances or labs instruments etc.), infrastructure (House, office, labs etc.). In case of living beings, it can be humans or other living beings. Tactics involved misguiding, spreading rumours, PGI creations, read machine defaults in case of non living. It also includes shuffling, reshuffling,  implanting and taking away or finishing off -- living or non living).

Covid 19 is just one aspect of this kinda gambling. 

Let's take the example of one small case of i10 Hyundai. It happened in 2018. As I said earlier, I was dealing with cases, crimes and hurdles outside campus also, along with dealing with this Campus Crime Series. 

It was kinda, "सोम के समोसे लेने गयी थी, कलाकारों ने कार ही गुप्त कर दी" -- in typical filmy style.

In Rohtak, Som ke samose are famous, so mine too. It was only after this case that realized what does mean, samosa, som and many such codes in this gambling.

Here play "police vehicle was Desire" (if I am not wrong) and "Saari-couple walk show" in Srishti Hyundai. Up to that time, I had no idea that car numbers do matter, so did not check.

Here is court decision copy of that case:

People involved in these cases are almost same. You can find their names in cases and plays.

Details of happenings, plays will be part of some other post, with some other such happenings, kinda same way. Common people will also be able to correlate then, their own cases or cases in their surrounding. Again, as I said earlier, Campus Crime Series is just the tip of the iceberg.

Interesting, my advocate lost almost all my cases till now (2-3).

How? That's even more interesting. I will put that also online. 

I said yesterday to my advocate (a few times earlier also, that I wanna give my presentation to judge in case of Neem case). How any judge could decide any verdict even without listening to the person, who has been charged? Most interesting, when official copies and facts are publicly available of these crimes/cases. 

Read for deatils: Plants Tales: Andhere-Ujaale! 

"Scanned by CamScanner"

Don't know why it reminded me about Neem Case "Azadirachta Indica" 
Case study "Plants Tales: Andhere-Ujaale"


Friday, October 12, 2018

Bike Accident Case (29.11.2013)

Bike Accident Case (29.11.2013)

A summon, I got after almost a year or even after that accident. That accident occurred at gate number 1, near T-point, MDU.

It was the first case in my life and summons wordings and narration gave the feeling like, "When did this happen? That's how people craft and draft cases?

The world of cases, lawyers and courts is totally deviated and altered. At times much beyond truth, beyond normal people digestion level. But still, this case was not as shocker as cases in recent years -- cases after my resignation and then joining back from 2017-2021. Though, I was doubtful about many things in this case also and tried to know answers to some of my questions. But could not get much then.

I got my answers much later with this new knowledge of codes and cryptic world. Not just that but some more bike hits dramas, SUV hit try and an accident and drama. So this case is also important.

Important due to craft and draft. 29.11.2013 and 15lac, 50000, 11000 and many more interesting details. 

Important due to social point of view of parallel cases impacts. 

Important the way accidents happen and the way they look like. 

The way people die due to such accidents or if remain alive? 

In case die much later then what was/were the excuses of death? 

Example CoVID-19 cases (Most were murders on different excuses)

Again, I realized this kinda accident happenings ways and types much later, years later. After experiencing some more such happenings, realized something foul somewhere. These cases were not the way -- they were looking like. 

Date, type of vehicle/s, nearby vehicle, place, time, people names and cryptic world has something to do with all such cases. 

For example, the day I was coming back with renewed passport from Delhi and this SUV tried to hit me, like it was waiting for me only.

Santro accident near Dohra (Dohar or Dahar?), Panipat and Play.

After this Panipat accident and drama, I tried to review a few such cases in the surrounding also. And answers were almost same. Date, type of vehicle/s, people names, place and happenings were indicating something -- Semiautomation of Society

Semi- is important here for enforcement purposes -- alterations, mutations, diversions etc. for dirty politics. For this politics, even humans are nothing more than some codes, some numbers, some points to gain -- for the sake of some chairs. Oh, not just living human beings but even dead ones are nothing more than some numbers, some codes -- to gain some points!

More will be there on this in some other post -- especially drama and happenings, nowhere in documents but verifiable.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Eco-21, 6-9 July, 2009

Eco-21, what's that?

What's so special about this X-Ray Film?

I don't know. I did not get this part. But in 2018, some colleague said something (cryptic?) and I was like what was so special about that? It was a simple microscopic operation. And I checked these documents again.

I came across this Eco 21 word in many forms. 

Seems nothing special? Simple routine medical documents? I do think so. Leave past pains or hurdles in past. Whatever they were, in whatever forms and however happened. Happened by concerned people ignorance or with awareness. 

But should not forget our rational and scientific approach. That's important to understand the designs and patterns. At times, we tend to forget or try to ignore, some happenings or mishappenings when they happen with us. But when it comes to near and dear ones, especially when you start realizing that kids are also becoming part of these patterns, then it's time to act.