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Media and education technology by profession. Writing is drug. Minute observer, believe in instinct, curious, science communicator, agnostic, lil-bit adventurous, lil-bit rebel, nature lover, sometimes feel like to read and travel. Love my people and my pets and love to be surrounded by them.


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Saturday, October 13, 2018

i10 Case and Som Samosa? Srishti Hyundai, RTK (14-5-2018)

Srishti Hyundai, Rohtak Case, Jind Bypass Road (14th May 2018)  

How to snatch living or non-living, by enforcement/s and different criminal ways? In political terminology, perhaps it's known as Sham, Daam, Dand, Bhedh?

In case of machinery, it can be any electronic items including laptop/s, car, house appliances or labs instruments etc.), infrastructure (House, office, labs etc.). In case of living beings, it can be humans or other living beings. Tactics involved misguiding, spreading rumours, PGI creations, read machine defaults in case of non living. It also includes shuffling, reshuffling,  implanting and taking away or finishing off -- living or non living).

Covid 19 is just one aspect of this kinda gambling. 

Let's take the example of one small case of i10 Hyundai. It happened in 2018. As I said earlier, I was dealing with cases, crimes and hurdles outside campus also, along with dealing with this Campus Crime Series. 

It was kinda, "सोम के समोसे लेने गयी थी, कलाकारों ने कार ही गुप्त कर दी" -- in typical filmy style.

In Rohtak, Som ke samose are famous, so mine too. It was only after this case that realized what does mean, samosa, som and many such codes in this gambling.

Here play "police vehicle was Desire" (if I am not wrong) and "Saari-couple walk show" in Srishti Hyundai. Up to that time, I had no idea that car numbers do matter, so did not check.

Here is court decision copy of that case:

People involved in these cases are almost same. You can find their names in cases and plays.

Details of happenings, plays will be part of some other post, with some other such happenings, kinda same way. Common people will also be able to correlate then, their own cases or cases in their surrounding. Again, as I said earlier, Campus Crime Series is just the tip of the iceberg.

Interesting, my advocate lost almost all my cases till now (2-3).

How? That's even more interesting. I will put that also online. 

I said yesterday to my advocate (a few times earlier also, that I wanna give my presentation to judge in case of Neem case). How any judge could decide any verdict even without listening to the person, who has been charged? Most interesting, when official copies and facts are publicly available of these crimes/cases. 

Read for deatils: Plants Tales: Andhere-Ujaale! 

"Scanned by CamScanner"

Don't know why it reminded me about Neem Case "Azadirachta Indica" 
Case study "Plants Tales: Andhere-Ujaale"


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