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Media and education technology by profession. Writing is drug. Minute observer, believe in instinct, curious, science communicator, agnostic, lil-bit adventurous, lil-bit rebel, nature lover, sometimes feel like to read and travel. Love my people and my pets and love to be surrounded by them.


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Before Violence Week Correspondence, Happenings

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Accident, 17th February, 2009

17th February, 2009 

After taking a class, I was going to a nearby market. A SUV with black mirrors was coming ahead and then going back, coming ahead and then going back, to the parking shed. I thought, I will speed pass when it will go back and I speeded my kinetic. Rather should say my cousin's scooty as I had no vehicle up to that time. 

What happened after that, I don't remember exactly as I was unconscious. When I became conscious some students or staff were trying to help me to stand but I fell down with a cry and pain. They tried a few times, but in vain. Then someone said better take ma'am hospital. It seems, she has broken some bone. Director sir official vehicle was there and it took me up to PGI. 

We don't care much about such happenings by careless attitude or say ignorance. I remember when di asked me, how that happened? Not much damage to kinetic but you have broken your leg?

And I was like, "Ho gaya hoga. I speeded the kinetic and probably fell down."

It was later on after some more questions from some other people that you was unconscious, then how you remember exactly, what had happened? What was the purpose of that SUV to come ahead and then going back like that? Who was there in that? Even then I did not care much. 

I found this kinda careless attitude is common among non suspecting people, while analyzing some diseases and cases in last few years. Common people believe that people are good, why anyone would harm you willingly? People are generally good but this politics is not. It spares none. Not even kids or elders. You will come across such interesting stories in some other posts.

When I joined this department, its students were notorious for damaging the University's academic environment. Some students used to come in SUVs and were party to some ugly kinda fights, children of blah, blah people. Those days SUVs were not that common among middle class people, at least in this part of world.

Some used to create unacademic environment even in classes. There were some who used to irritate teachers with senseless questions. Some even used to try to demoralize the teachers not on subject knowledge but English pronunciation. First, I thought that it was happening with me only. But with time realized it was common. With time, you also develop ways and to some extent adapt to tackle such stuff. In this sense, this department environment was totally different than life-sciences. Here students background was also too diverse. Probably, it was this stark difference which teaches teachers themselves, how to teach and deal with such stuff. Haryanvi mixture khichadi understanding came here. 

But then notorious kinda stuff was few compare to serious students. And with time, students of this department had uniform to distinguish them from other department students. There were some other measures also which had been taken officially to tackle the rudies. 

It was not such a big accident but still took almost one and half year to recover fully. After plaster, there was physio, then after few months a small operation, then again physio. Physio part was worse. But people in the surrounding who were there to help made that time comparatively less difficult than it could be without that assistance. 

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