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Media and education technology by profession. Writing is drug. Minute observer, believe in instinct, curious, science communicator, agnostic, lil-bit adventurous, lil-bit rebel, nature lover, sometimes feel like to read and travel. Love my people and my pets and love to be surrounded by them.


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Before Violence Week Correspondence, Happenings

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Memory Cells of Human Beings Vs. Computer or Machine Memory

What is the relation of memory cells of human being and computer or machine memory? 
How chemistry or physics, civil, mechanics, economics or art, work along with biological cell memory overtime?
The more I know about this digital gamble, the more I feel baffled about these kalakars fraud designs and experimentation!

The first culprit/s in this game are the designers or markers of these numbers, like tagging animals with some kinda RFID, without their consent or even knowledge. Who the hell gave these criminals these rights? The second line of culprits are the people who felt like they should play any such game. Then the followers and executers treating humans like some pawns in their hands, not even humans but robots.! The worst part is blocking in totality the stakeholder on which the deja-vu experimentations have been applied for so long until and unless that person herself started digging the gamble and complaining. 

The gap is human memory cells do not work the way a computer or machine memory works at many levels. The human memory cells are long term and short term depending on many factors but computer memory cells are only long term and fixed. Yes! Another difference is you cannot manipulate the human memory cells the same way as computer memory cells. The biggest difference is at the reading level. You cannot read a mind the same way as you can computer. Still, our knowledge of human mind-reading techniques is inadequate and too basic. The human mind is much more complex. 

The way so-called Cambridge-analytica abused the data by illegal stealing is not simple abuse but it was an intentional try to destroy a human being by throwing acid. The blocked-zone experimental human even did not know why things were happening the way they were happening until and unless came to know the digital gambling. The worst part, the so-called well-wishers official or nonofficials were not just talking in that language but even trying to find the solution of this problem via this digital gambling! It is like even if intentions are not wrong, the ways are. The ways are like adding salt to the deep injury errr Deep State's crimes.

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