About Me

Media and education technology by profession. Writing is drug. Minute observer, believe in instinct, curious, science communicator, agnostic, lil-bit adventurous, lil-bit rebel, nature lover, sometimes feel like to read and travel. Love my people and my pets and love to be surrounded by them.


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Before Violence Week Correspondence, Happenings

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Peeping Tomism A Felony?

What a wonderful world we are living in. Check ghost operations:

I wonder, what would happen when brain hacking will be a reality like this? 

Friday, June 21, 2013

Criminal In Disguise!

I never watched the CID serial but experiencing it since some time, rather more than a year! Why? What's my crime? It's not necessary to be a criminal for that. To come in touch with a wrong person, who belongs to that profession is enough, I guess! In the starting, I did not know that someone was tapping my phone calls, tracking my online surfing and even hacked my passwords. But with time, some posts by that person started hitting my mind. Initially, I gave the benefit of doubt and ignored. But how long one can? With time, it was not just me but even friends started feeling like that. On that this person did not leave any doubt but wrote in some posts so clear cut, that yes this fear of ours was not wrong! Different people gave different suggestions. But since some time, there was only one voice, enough! Time is to take action. No one has any right to pry on like that. It does not matter which profession that person belongs. It's clear cut privacy rights violation and some professional rights abuse.

The truth is this person is not just abusing his professional powers/rights but even acting as law unto himself regardless of others constitutional rights. Last year around Dussehra this person uploaded some edited pics of University officials with Raavan heads! 

It does not matter if you like someone or not but it was disgusting to see those pics, especially when you belong to that very institution. It was not just me but so many people felt the same. How dare he could behave like that? Is he law unto himself or some dictator? This guy use to behave kinda moral policing, kinda our typical Indian police, by ignoring people's rights. Some say, he is attention seeker and use to do all this just to get some attention. I wonder how a person on such a responsible chair can behave like that, until and unless that person is kinda sick or unstable somewhere? Whatever the reason, but all this drama has so many unanswered questions, especially in the light of:

Humans are by nature curious and it's almost certain that people or agencies who will deal with this type of data gonna abuse their powers. Where is the line to be drawn and who will decide that? On the name of security, it seems government is playing its own dirty politics even without taking public in the loop. Old laws will work on such abuse or some new laws gonna be in place? Or people dealing with this watchdog are law unto self?
Who will watch the watchdog?

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

No FIR, No Crime??

Since last more than two years, my car has been damaged by miscreants time and again. I complained to the concerned authorities verbally a few times, gave in writing even two times but net resultant?? As usual.... the way things happen in India!! Something even strange happened few days back, when i came back home just after two and half hours from my cousin's home, i found my laptop's USB/ports damaged. Even stranger, the home was locked from outside, backside doors were closed from inside! Interesting aspect, i rarely use plucker, it used to be upstrais in dressing table in a kit. The kit i do not even remember when i opened last, containing most useless cosmetics and tools! I found this plucker not even upstrais but downstairs in the kitchen and damaged! None else in the home, sweeper still to come. On that i used the internet just before leaving my home and even that USB port was damaged. I wrote to the concerned authorities in written but rather it has been taken kinda too lightly!! Yes! It was strange that there was nothing missing from the home and no more damage to the laptop except those three USB ports (as per that day knowledge)! But it was kinda same that someone broken the central lock of car but did not take away the car and nothing was stolen from that! Such things happened with car time and again in the department but this is first instance when something literal weird happened at home. For some it could be a matter of joke but sure not for me and not for the people who care for me!

I gave in written but no FIR was lodged by the concerned police personnel! Why? Tell them how anyone could enter home as there was no sign of any forceful entry and nothing was stolen. So this was not a case fit for FIR! When the police personnel came for on spot check, few weird questions were asked!! They did not bother even to take a view of the whole home and surrounding (as per some police officer, they should have). When these people were at home, some water leakage was there from the freeze, at that time i thought might be due to some electricity problem and these people walked over this freeze water without any notice! Meanwhile the same day, i had to listen from some so called responsible employees of this University, something totally senseless instead of even any moral support! "University has no responsibility for any employee's security!" Really, that's also within campus residential area?? "Aisa kacha chhita leke jaoge to kaun FIR file karega!" Do not raise your eyebrows as these are image caretakers of this University! "It's no time to lodge an FIR as NAAC team is just about to visit for grading. You can raise the issue later." Nice way to say keep shut!!  

The next day i found there was no cooling in freeze, called the related company service center and i was told m'am there is a copper wire cut backside. Now i was a bit more perplexed and started checking other things. One more addition to the list was some missing foreign currencies i had just kinda part of memories rather than any materialistic value! After a day (Sunday), one more addition to this list was washing machine inlet water pipe cut! Not so big damages but why, by whom and how? In all probabilities all this happened the same day and i just realized when i used them. Naah! Still no FIR! I insisted for the same again in writing via authorities but got even funnier replies.. See what a university's VC said "Some supernatural power or ghosts might have done this!" "Tomorrow you will feel, some blood stained marks on your laptop!" So much to write but still nothing more to write!!
Simple Indian case "No FIR, No Crime"!! Or may be there are lotsa bigger crimes so who the hell has time to care for such lil things!! Little things!!

Next step can be meet SP and go "kinda" against authorities wishes not to lodge an FIR or better as per some caretakers forget the whole episode and mind your own security steps, take care and be thankful to god that you are safe!!