About Me

Media and education technology by profession. Writing is drug. Minute observer, believe in instinct, curious, science communicator, agnostic, lil-bit adventurous, lil-bit rebel, nature lover, sometimes feel like to read and travel. Love my people and my pets and love to be surrounded by them.


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Before Violence Week Correspondence, Happenings

Monday, September 20, 2021

Neem Case in Court

When you think, people have gone mad. Is this a case? 

And then while going through the so-called complaints realise "The Crafts And Drafts".

This case hearing is on 29th in district court. I feel all these cases hearings "must be public and on record". Probably, that's the only way to stop at least to some extent such crafters and drafters!?

Saturday, July 10, 2021

From Lollypop Management to Enforcement Tactics!

From a try of lollypop management tactics of crime to
Carrot and stick, rewards and punishment management tactics
And साम, दाम, दंड, भेद politics! 

So many big people' involvement, so much regional err national and international stakes, criminal surrounding and lots of politics. System failure or systematic failure over the years, so-many vested interests of so-many people, so much high stakes and so-much drama! Plays and dramatics. Plays and dramatics.

When nothing works then violence works? 
Mental hospital and torture works? 
Sedition charges "oops! Deshdroh/Rajdroh Charges!" works? 
Writing and speaking the truth is Deshdroh/Rajdroh!
Would be thrown to jail and would be finished threat tactics work? 
Then what works?

When so many cooked up cases did not work. Sedition charges dramatics, jail, suspension drama, sit on file/s, factions fights within campus and politics and in frustration you throw away resignation for better! 

Sedition charges to manage the disaster! What was that disaster?
Like so many cases and their contradictory committee reports on record were not a disaster? In March, 2021, a play has been played by some kalakaars of my department to manage the crime? And probably camera recorded more than the requirement? Or that was on purpose! 

And another play was played in April 2021, by police and jail people. No limits! Nowhere! 

Kinda, this party play, that party paly. Plays and plays. Dramatics and dramatics!

I got whatever I needed, in the last more than three years, after my resignation in 2017 . All these official documents and recordings are enough to fix the wrongdoings. 

Really? Would you survive even to fight that? Lots of churning, burning, direct-indirect suggestions, threats and much is going on here and there.

And amidst all this joining accepted from back date by center/secretariat with blah blah case conditions! From department side there was no such issue because of many cases and crime fact files? But then bigger responsibility lies with the higher authorities. Whatever happened or happening have somewhere some kinda support.

And you are comfortable in your own zone of freedom from day by day headache! For a while wanna watch the drama from a distance!?

Interesting times indeed! 

There is a saying in haryanvi "सांडा की लड़ाई मैं झाड़ा का खो!" fits well on common people in big bulls fights. Then be it the world of gambling and politics or political diseases like Covid-19.

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

An Enforced Resignation!

Fighting a political mess is not an academic person's cup of tea?

 You would be finished beyond recognition or have the mettle to fight back?

An Enforced Resignation:

What's this DD in yahoo mail? Again sign of abuse!