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Media and education technology by profession. Writing is drug. Minute observer, believe in instinct, curious, science communicator, agnostic, lil-bit adventurous, lil-bit rebel, nature lover, sometimes feel like to read and travel. Love my people and my pets and love to be surrounded by them.


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Before Violence Week Correspondence, Happenings

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Exams Fraud (27-30, December 2019)

27-12-2019 to 30-12-2019 
Whatever happened during this time period, sums-up all, what was happening!

How all this happened?
Students were not attending the classes. If attended few then did plays and pretended like they were doing experiment with "tap water" (Yes! In Molecular Bio. with tap water, that is also M.Tech students!). 
When objected that what they were doing with tap water? They said do not have chemicals.
Many complaints have been done to the concerned authorities regarding students plays or strange behavior in the class or lab.
Complaints have been done about non-availability of chemicals. Though some chemicals were there and B.Tech students did 3-4 experiments with the same chemicals.
M.Tech students have not been allowed to give sessionals on the same ground.
There was no complaint against teacher till that time. 
On the same ground they have not been allowed final practicals as they have not performed even a single experiment. And as per their own writing there were no chemicals in the lab.
Other faculty members chemicals files have been forwarded but mine papers file have been stopped on silly excuses. That is how things are since years with me, my papers, labs etc.!
Finally my papers chemicals came on 26-12-2019! Winter vacations have already started.
My mother had some operation. I became busy there. Some play was going even there! Yes! Even in the hospital!
Students have been advised to come after winter vacations and perform their experiments so that they can give final practical exams.
An emergency meeting have been called by the director. So-called committee of few of my crook colleagues have been formed in my absence. And these 4-faculty members err supercomputers and their supercomputer fraud students have done so much in these 4-days! 

Not just that, have a look at the experiments:


In general, director or colleagues should not interfere in others papers. On that, I have not refused to conduct practicals. I had assumed that practicals would take place in January as students have been informed.
Many times earlier also practicals have been conducted in January officially after completion of theory exams even in normal circumstances, where students took normal classes and did practicals on time.

Not just that but I had already submitted internal marks of students and those marks had been locked (Online submission locking means, they were final from the concerned teacher side based on whole semester record.) The penal have been opened again with special request to COE (Controller of Examination) and VC by these people/gamblers! Even internal marks of my papers have been submitted again! Though whole semester record was with me. Students have not raised any question or did any complaint or have not requested even to take their sessionals before theory exams. Why now? They had been failed. Though not all. Who informed these students their marks? What about privacy of marks before result declaration? Many other University rules have also been violated. Most important again targeting of the same faculty member! Why? 

Important question is "What kind of gambling these people were playing via their plays and such nonacademic behavior? What kind of governments they were breaking or making rather than doing their studies? And how this female faculty was their target?

It's a thick file rather files, cannot upload so much interesting fact-o-file here!