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Media and education technology by profession. Writing is drug. Minute observer, believe in instinct, curious, science communicator, agnostic, lil-bit adventurous, lil-bit rebel, nature lover, sometimes feel like to read and travel. Love my people and my pets and love to be surrounded by them.


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Before Violence Week Correspondence, Happenings

Monday, September 23, 2019

Ujjala Bharati Overnight Supervisor Change! (November 2018 to August 2019)

31, Oct., 2018
I got a request to supervise three M.Tech students, Bharti, Ujjala and Vivek for M.Tech dissertation. They requested to be allowed to work outstation, Delhi.
As per UIET, MDU, M.Tech ordinance, in third semester students have to prepare synopsis  under the supervision of a supervisor. There are specific marks for the same in third semester. 
In fourth semester, they have to do their practical work. Based on practical work they have to submit their dissertation under the same supervisor. 
("In case of problem, University rules are there under M.Tech Ordinance.")

They have been allowed external supervisor, provided "in collaboration as per ordinance".  They said time and again, they have permission for that from the concerned lab in Delhi, where they wanna work. They do not need my support in that. Though even after repeated requests to submit the acknowledgement they could not. They could not even give the name of that institute or lab. Many times, I have been called by the director for the same and requested to allow them 6-months training as they had already wasted their whole third semester.  

19th Nov., 2018
They came again in November last, 2018 with another request. The application dated 19th, Nov., 2018 and acknowledgement got from concerned lab in Delhi on 20, Nov., 2018 via email. 

Progress Report, Presentation, Dissertation Checking, Pattern Fraud

Dissertation Stolen from Lab!
Submitted under Dr. Sonia without supervisor change/NOC overnight, as per Criminal Director for so-called-students-sake!

And JK Union territories formed (Above CRISPR9/ICGEB/Delhi/MDU/UIET, "Created Parallel case!")

What University!?
Autonomous Organization?
Or an organization that destroys education itself! And targets, a female faculty member, officially. 
An Organized Crime! Some people/politics destroyed some lives somewhere, some people destroyed education!