About Me

Media and education technology by profession. Writing is drug. Minute observer, believe in instinct, curious, science communicator, agnostic, lil-bit adventurous, lil-bit rebel, nature lover, sometimes feel like to read and travel. Love my people and my pets and love to be surrounded by them.


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Before Violence Week Correspondence, Happenings

Monday, January 26, 2015

Here Mind Is Without Fear!!

Here mind is without fear
Go threaten elsewhere
We live in a free world 
Shackles of tyranny
Are not made for us!! 

We belong to new world
O dictators!
Your dictates are not for us
You have to behave
Feudal lords too outdated for us!!

You shameless! You liar!
You public draamebaaz!
Why hiding now public writeups?
Let them in public view to judge..
Who is in illusion and who is psychic!!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Are You Above Law Mr. IG?

बड़ा दम्भ भरते हैं, बड़े संस्कारी बनते हैं 
सुना है आइनों में देखते हैं लोगों को 
खुद को भी बस एक बार निहार के देखिये
उन्ही आइनों में 
खुद की औकात का अन्दाजा लग जायेगा!

Politicians, policemen and corruption, sounds so matching matching na? One type of corruption is about money. I came to know another worst kinda is about sickness of mind! Wonder, if writing and what we do in general are two different things? But somehow those writings in itself expose people's real character? People who wanna expose others, wanna hide own "kaands" as much as possible? 

Law unto self? Seems so! Read below article:
Do The Cops Need to Behave?
That is A Question!! 

Naah! They are allowed to do all kinda
 kaands, along with their type of kaandas, they believe in!!

So got the satisfactory results and fruitful delivery of all kinda senseless efforts?
 What are the results? How much resources are misused used for that purpose?

Talking about Reforms!! What about self Mr. IG? 
First You Yourself Need Those Reforms Mr. WriterCop!! 

Next post/s will be some views of international experts, some links related to surveillance technology especially in Indian context and some "namunaas of such people's Ayaashi" on the name of surveillance!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Mirrors in Monkey's (Just monkey?) hands!!

"The problem is that we want to see through what He wants us only to see."
And He wanted these people to see people in all kinda naked avatars. He even inspired these people to write all that on FB. And to do even teasing on that. Just teasing -- in these people's language. I guess, these people do that kinda teasing even with the women in their homes? Why just women but even men?
Hey! Look here! Oh! See that! You know the meaning of so and so term?  Look there! These people are so unhygienic. These hygiene freak. Do not dye hair, left here, here and here. Stereotype, has not shaved legs and still in shorts. He has this pajama on since last..? Oh smelly! Wo saala hizra hai, that is why blah, blah. 
OK! People can listen, they can watch by this and that technology but I wonder if can even smell, touch if someone had a shower with cold or hot water? Mayanagri hai! 

Mr. Khanna seems has a great practical approach to know the Ultimate Truth, like that FB, CCTV approach (here).  

What are you thinking? PK waali duniya main pahunch gaye na baigar PK.. :(